
GraphQL schema 命名习惯

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GraphQL 规范并没有强制要求命名规范,但建议遵循以下规则:

  • Field names: camelCase
  • Enum values: ALL_CAPS
  • Type names: PascalCase
  • Enum names: PascalCase


GraphQL 规范没有强制要求命名规范。不过,建立命名规范有助于确保一致性。我们建议使用以下约定:

  • 字段名称camelCase。许多 GraphQL 客户端是用 JavaScript、Java、Kotlin 或者 Swift 开发的,这些语言中,变量通常使用驼峰命名法。
  • 枚举值ALL_CAPS。枚举值和常量比较相似。
  • 类型名称PascalCase。JavaScript 等语言,类名通常使用帕斯卡命名法。
  • 枚举名称PascalCase

Original docs

The GraphQL specification is flexible and doesn't impose specific naming guidelines. However, it's helpful to establish a set of conventions to ensure consistency across your organization. We recommend the following:

  • Field names should use camelCase. Many GraphQL clients are written in JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, or Swift, all of which recommend camelCase for variable names.
  • Type names should use PascalCase. This matches how classes are defined in the languages mentioned above.
  • Enum names should use PascalCase.
  • Enum values should use ALL_CAPS, because they are similar to constants.

These conventions help ensure that most clients don't need to define extra logic to transform the results returned by your server.


  1. Apollo Server Docs
  2. GraphQL Spec